
  • Category: Game Programming
  • Client: Istituto Storico Grosseto
  • Project date: March 2016
  • Project URL: YouTube

In 2016 I joined the PERCRO – PERCeptual RObotics laboratories, as Junior Unity Developer on the MuraVagando project, a joint effort between a local high school in Grosseto (Italy) and the laboratory to promote a deeper understanding of the local cultural heritage. This project was divided into three stages:

  1. During the first stage, students familiarised with their local history, visiting the most important landmarks and discussing them with their teachers
  2. In the second stage, kids learned how cultural heritage could be represented through computers, and designed a paper prototype of the final experience
  3. In the final stage, we transformed the prototype in a fully functioning web-based 3D environment.

I was part of the third stage, where I developed the 3D application in coordination with the school. While being supervised by two expert members of the lab, I was in charge of the development and I could decide what technologies I wanted to use and how to use students’ drawings. I decided to use Unity and transform the drawings into 3D models by hand, using Blender.