
Oh, my first “real” job! In 2013 I spent a few months working as junior Django back-end developer at the Digital Humanities research center of King’s College London. Under the supervision of expert programmers, I was tasked to design an efficient data-entry system for the EU-funded project DigiPal, a huge portal where medieval manuscripts were digitalized and annotated, glyph by glyph and letter by letter, by hand (Machine learning wasn’t really a thing just yet). In these few months, I familiarized with the framework and built a multiple-inputs system that was used to speed up the annotation process.

A section of an old manuscript with annotations. The text is written in an ancient script, possibly Old English or Latin. Various parts of the text are highlighted with orange and green boxes, indicating areas of interest or specific annotations. The annotations seem to be used for linguistic or historical analysis, making the image relevant for studies in paleography, historical linguistics, or medieval literature

More information about the project can be found on the official website.